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Want to Join the Family?

If you like what you hear about Wambolt & Associates, you may have some questions about joining our family of clients.

What if I have an advisor already but would like to switch to Wambolt & Associates?

If you are concerned with the amount of effort it takes to change course, you can relax. Our team is dedicated to easing your transition, whether it’s from another advisory firm or a broker-dealer or even rolling over your 401k plans.

What can I expect at my first meeting?

When we first meet, we will spend a majority of the time getting acquainted with you. We will want to understand all the reasons that led you to us so that we can help you begin defining your mission, vision, values and goals. Having a clear picture will set the path to get you where you want to go.

What do I bring with me to our first meeting?

The checklist below is a simple guide to what will help in getting a good look at your financial picture. You can bring in as many documents as you can get your hands on in advance of our first meeting.

  • A list of all assets and debts – we will use this to build a balance sheet
  • Investment Statements – stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc. (preferably the most current statements)
  • Employee Benefits – retirement (401k), stock options, group life and disability insurance.
  • Insurance Contracts – life, health, disability, and long term care
  • Social Security Statement

What will the initial consultation cost me?

The good news is that our consultations with you are FREE! So, what’s holding you back?

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