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Kurt Gallup

Trader, Analyst
As a tight end for the University of Northern Colorado football squad, Kurt Galllup learned to read the field before making his next move. Today he watches the financial markets to see the opportunities for clients to advance their investments and gain points for their portfolios.
As a Wambolt & Associates Trader, Kurt analyzes stock market trends and economic conditions to make sound recommendations to the firm’s advisors who configure client wealth management plans. He gained valuable insight into investment strategies as a student of UNC’s Monfort College of Business where he helped manage a $2 million portfolio whose gains were earmarked for a student scholarship program.
Working with a supportive team that encourages his professional development was a huge factor in Kurt’s decision to join the firm. “I love the family culture here, and everyone has made me feel so welcome,” he said. “I also appreciate the firm’s emphasis on training and furthering my education.”
Kurt is continuing his financial education by pursuing a Series 65 license and has set his sights on becoming a Certified Financial Advisor. Aside from work, Kurt spends time with relatives, helps out with the family ranch,
 nd loves being in the gym and on the golf course.