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Q&A with Greg Wambolt: When will I retire?

Welcome to our ongoing series that answers your questions. This week, we asked Greg your question about his retirement plans. Here is his answer. Send us your questions at info@wamboltwealth.com and feel free to comment below! Question: When is Greg retiring? Answer: I have no plans to ever retire. You never know what life event may change my perspective,...
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Off the Beaten Path Trout Waters

The following content is part of our Fly of the Month Club. This article is written by Peter Stitcher from Ascent Fly Fishing. One’s Home Waters are a place of comfort. Studied over long days on the water, we learn the intricacies of each drift and come to know the specific fish that live in...
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How to handle the longest bull market ever

We entered new territory last week. Stocks are on an epic run, and we are now in the longest bull market on record, by most definitions. Buoyed by corporate tax cuts, low interest rates, stock buyback programs, and a strong tech sector, the economy has seen solid economic and corporate earnings growth. While merely hitting...
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Changing lives: Where’s your financial compass pointed?

You would never build a house without a blueprint. Just the process of putting a blueprint together from scratch, going back and forth over details, site use, and wall placement gets you closer to the dream home you want. With the blueprint in hand, the ordering can begin – boards, bricks, and faucets, everything according...
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Bankruptcies boom, highlighting need to build wealth early

Older Americans are filing for bankruptcy at a rate more than triple that in 1991 amid reductions in the social safety net (Social Security and Medicare) and a shift away from pensions, according to the study “Graying of U.S. Bankruptcy:  Fallout from Life in a Risk Society.”  As reported in the Wall Street Journal, on average, 3.6...
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Stacking retirement plans accelerates savings and reduces taxes

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) changed tax deductions, making defined contribution retirement plans, such as 401(k) plans and pensions, more appealing for small businesses, entrepreneurs and certain taxpayers with earnings too high to benefit from the new qualified business income (QBI) deductions. But defined benefit plans come with qualifiers that can reduce benefits...
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Federal funds rate held steady as economic activity is “strong”

The Federal Reserve held short term rates steady in its most recent Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) on August 1 but signaled a rise likely to come in September. Increases in the federal funds rate raise the costs of credit card debt and adjustable-rate mortgages. According to Fed’s news release, the central bank’s policymaking committee was acting on...
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Social Security to tap into trust fund for first time in 36 years

The Social Security program’s cost will exceed its income this year for the first time since 1982, forcing the program to access a $3 trillion trust fund to cover future benefits. Social Security is funded by two trust funds, one for retiree benefits and another for disability benefits. The latest annual report issued by the...
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Facebook down, Apple up: Tech focus on individual companies

Writing for WealthManagement.com, David Trainer, president of New Constructs, gives reasons why there is no tech bubble in five charts. Although the S&P and NASDAQ are up, he contends we are not in another tech bubble for the following reasons: Growth expectations are significantly lowertoday Margins shouldn’t regress to tech bubble lows Cheaper valuations are partially...
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