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Business Value Denver

Your business, your financial dreams: Get a handle on both with an informal valuation

Track the estimated value of your—or your client’s—business with an eye to the good life when that business is sold or transferred. For many business owners, the health of their business and their personal finances are intermingled; the more they’ve invested personally in the business, the greater the blend. It’s not uncommon to run across...
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The Advantages of Fly Fishing with Fluorocarbon

The following content is part of our Fly of the Month Club. This article is written by Peter Stitcher from Ascent Fly Fishing. Not all tippet and leader are created equal. Monofilament or nylon line has been around since the 1950s and while relatively inexpensive and excellent for fishing dry flies, it has some major...
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Financial terms Americans Google most

A new survey by TermLife2Go found that income tax, insurance and mortgage were among the top financial topics searched on Google, with income taxes topping the list. The survey isolated financial terms people use by location. Popular search terms varied by state. Here in Colorado, the term “mortgage” was the top inquiry, similar to Arizona, Utah, and...
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Markets hold on to early highs through Q2 2019

In a bull market that has surpassed 10-year expectations, stocks ended Q2 2019 in the best shape since 1997. This performance is despite expected Fed rate cut and continuing trade animosity between the U.S. and China. The S&P 500 climbed to new highs of 17% in the first half of 2019. The Dow Jones Industrial Average trailed...
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Offset financing versus traditional mortgages: Which is right for you?

Offset financing allows accountholders to use extra income to pay down their mortgage sooner and reduce net interest payments over the life of the loan. But it’s the right instrument for only certain borrowers. For the right person or family, offset financing for a home mortgage might make sense. But who is this person or...
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Women, Wealth & Wisdom: Preparing to Receive Responsibly

Family wealth is about more than money. It’s about aspirations, expectations, values, and legacies. It can be an emotional topic, bringing out the best in some and the worst in others. And when wealth transfers hands, discord and conflict can irrupt in even the closest of families. An estimated $30 trillion will change hands over...
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Seeking “unbiased advice” in a crowded field

The Securities and Exchange Commission adopted Regulation Best Interest on June 5, 2019. The regulation addresses the standard of conduct for broker-dealers and is designed to up the litmus test on the types of recommendations broker-dealers can make to their retail clients beyond existing suitability obligations. It falls short of subjecting broker-dealers to the highest...
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Tips & Tactics for Fly Fishing During Runoff

The following content is part of our Fly of the Month Club. This article is written by Peter Stitcher from Ascent Fly Fishing. April Showers bring May flowers, but they also can make spring fly fishing a serious challenge! Much of the Western United States received an exceptional amount of snow this past winter, exceeding...
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IRS issues more guidance on investor tax breaks in opportunity funds

IRS issues Q&A, providing more certainty for investors in how, when and what opportunity zone investments are eligible for tax breaks.   Along with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA) came some generous tax breaks to encourage investment in economically underserved markets. Until now, though, the rules for claiming the tax breaks on...
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