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Industry slow to catch on to winning Wambolt model

At the recent Schwab IMPACT conference in Washington DC, Joe Duran, CEO of United Capital, had a few things to say about clients. According to Diana Britton for Wealthmanagement.com, Duran called clients emotional creatures that want to know if they have the means to live the life they want. For advisors, this means understanding what it is you, the client, want to do with your money.

Our business model at Wambolt is built around understanding what you want to do with more than your money; it’s about what you want to do with your life, family, business and passions.

It’s up to us to help you define your values, vision and goals so that, together, we can map out a financial plan to get you there. We use questions in a number of areas to uncover what’s most important to you, including:

  • Needs and wants: What has to happen personally or professionally for you within three years to feel satisfied with your progress?
  • Dangers: What keeps you up at night?
  • Opportunities: What opportunities out there that we can leverage?
  • Strengths: What are your strengths as a business or individual?

Helping plan your financial future gives us purpose. Learn more about our financial planning process.

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