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U.S. economy “doing well” in June 2018

In June, the Federal Reserve raised its target rate a quarter of a percentage point, the second hike in the federal funds rate this year. In announcing the increase, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell stated as the main takeaway that “the economy is doing well.” He went on to say, “Most people that want to find jobs...
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Wambolt - Fly of the Month

Low Water Trout Tips and Tactics: Part One

The following content is part of our Fly of the Month Club. This article is written by Peter Stitcher from Ascent Fly Fishing. The world of trout is ruled and regulated by cycles. Each Spring, the Rainbow and Cutthroat Trout spawn, followed by the Brown and Brook Trout in the Fall. The fish in the...
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New baby? Stop, take stock, and act

Having a baby triggers more than joyful moments and sleepless nights. It triggers financial and lifestyle change, which is why it’s a life event that should cause us all to stop, take stock, and act. There are several investment opportunities available to you to save for your child’s education and financial future. Here’s three to...
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Cryptocurrency selloff deepens with $42 billion in lost value after weekend hack

Check out the SEC’s Howeycoins.com for insights into red flags that could indicate scammers are at work.   It was a tough weekend for bitcoin trading. Weekend losses racked up on news that Coinrail, a South Korean crytocurrency exchange, was hacked to the tune of $42 billion in value. Bitcoin prices hit a 2-month low on Sunday, June 10, according...
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Women, Wealth & Wisdom: Your Invitation to Lean in and Learn

Women and men are not financial equals at the time of retirement. Women have fallen behind, held back by a lack of investing confidence and a pay disparity. That creates a $1 million “wealth gap” for women as they approach retirement age, according to the 2018 Age Wave study. Women make up roughly half of...
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Hedging market volatility with dividend-paying stocks

As interest rates dropped over the past eight years, investors seeking income sought out the benefits of stock dividends. Companies with healthy cash flows and steady earnings tend to pay consistent dividends to shareholders. These dividends deliver a steady stream of income while also offering the opportunity for long-term capital appreciation from the price of...
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One-by-one or professionally packaged: What bonds are you buying today?

During times of rising interest rates, you’ll get greater control—and more peace of mind— by focusing on individual bonds and bond ladders. Around 1980, the mortgage rate on my first home loan was 16%. Then began a 30-year downward trend that didn’t begin to reverse course until earlier this year. Although average mortgage rates still...
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South Denver Food Bank: Where meetup and ministry make a difference

Early in his ministries, Casey Franklin, the lead pastor for the Inversion Community, observed a congregation largely made up of people living “inward lives”. He wanted to turn that perspective around by finding a way people could learn to live life outward in the real world. So Casey, along with his wife and 13-year old...
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How to ethically fish the trout spawn

The following content is part of our Fly of the Month Club. This article is written by Peter Stitcher from Ascent Fly Fishing. As a member of the Wambolt and Associates Fly of the Month Club, the importance of investing for the future is assuredly already a well established value in your life. You work...
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