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Social media and the online news sites love to publish articles discussing Americans’ reluctance to plan for their retirement. These articles paint a gloomy picture of a future with too little money saved, the possibility of reduced Social Security benefits, and many people feeling they may never be able to retire. While this may be...
As you develop or update an estate plan, consider the following ways life insurance can help address your needs. Determining how to meet your loved ones’ needs and accomplish your financial goals are the primary tasks of an estate plan. In addition, with a well-constructed plan, you can prepare for predictable events, such as the...
The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act which was recently passed by Congress is intended to assist business owners with specific needs they have right now. Although the first $350 Billion for these programs has been drained, it appears congress is negotiating to contribute more to this lifeline for small businesses. We know...
Creating a detailed succession plan is paramount for a smooth and profitable transition. When you’ve dedicated decades to building your company, it can be difficult to imagine your life without it— not to mention the future of the business with another family member as the lead. In reality, everyone will transition out of their family...
Many of us find ourselves looking to the past to find some context for what the future holds during this extraordinary time when much of America is sheltered-in at home versus managing their typically busy work life. Containment measures have led to widespread business closures and surging unemployment, resulting in more questions than answers as...
Congress passed several laws in December of 2019 that impact several retirement savings aspects. This bundle of changes is referred to as the SECURE Act à “Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement”. Some of these changes will create some tax and estate planning challenges for non-spouse beneficiaries. Therefore, we are sharing some examples of how just...
By Kelly Fraser – Senior Wealth Management Advisor As we turn the page on 2019, as well as a decade of economic growth, allow us to reflect on some of the defining features of these interesting times… Coming off the heels of market volatility in late 2018, that was largely spurred by the Federal Reserve’s...
By Kelly Fraser – Senior Wealth Management Advisor Over the last 2-3 decades, the investor experience has been almost completely reshaped. As pensions have become a rarity, access to investment markets have become dramatically democratized. Investors are now far more responsible for meeting their retirement goals and have become increasingly aware of the need for...
The following content is part of our Fly of the Month Club. This article is written by Peter Stitcher from Ascent Fly Fishing. I still remember the first time I saw someone tie on a dry fly with a nymph dropper hanging off the curve of the hook – I thought my head was going to...
‘Tis the season to give Thanks! At Wambolt & Associates, our team is looking forward to sharing some abundance with many local men, women and children in need. If you’re looking for a meaningful way to give back to people in our community that could use a ‘hand-up’, please consider stopping by.
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Greg Wambolt and the entire Wambolt team employ a multi-advisor approach to provide clients with a high level of tax, estate, and investment advisory services all under one roof.

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Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM