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Unemployment: COVID-19 Reshaping America and the Globe

Many of us find ourselves looking to the past to find some context for what the future holds during this extraordinary time when much of America is sheltered-in at home versus managing their typically busy work life. Containment measures have led to widespread business closures and surging unemployment, resulting in more questions than answers as...
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Key Aspects of the SECURE ACT

Congress passed several laws in December of 2019 that impact several retirement savings aspects. This bundle of changes is referred to as the SECURE Act à “Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement”. Some of these changes will create some tax and estate planning challenges for non-spouse beneficiaries. Therefore, we are sharing some examples of how just...
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Looking in the Rearview Mirror at 2019

By Kelly Fraser – Senior Wealth Management Advisor As we turn the page on 2019, as well as a decade of economic growth, allow us to reflect on some of the defining features of these interesting times… Coming off the heels of market volatility in late 2018, that was largely spurred by the Federal Reserve’s...
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Are you taking full advantage of the evolution of the Investor Experience?

By Kelly Fraser – Senior Wealth Management Advisor Over the last 2-3 decades, the investor experience has been almost completely reshaped. As pensions have become a rarity, access to investment markets have become dramatically democratized. Investors are now far more responsible for meeting their retirement goals and have become increasingly aware of the need for...
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How to Tie & Fish a Heads-Up (Eye-to-Eye) Fly Fishing Rig

The following content is part of our Fly of the Month Club. This article is written by Peter Stitcher from Ascent Fly Fishing. I still remember the first time I saw someone tie on a dry fly with a nymph dropper hanging off the curve of the hook – I thought my head was going to...
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Wambolt’s Trifecta Holiday Drive

‘Tis the season to give Thanks! At Wambolt & Associates, our team is looking forward to sharing some abundance with many local men, women and children in need. If you’re looking for a meaningful way to give back to people in our community that could use a ‘hand-up’, please consider stopping by.
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Schedule your retirement savings: Did you start saving early enough?

Savings for retirement starts when workers start their career, right? Not so for a significant portion of U.S. adults. Only 4 out of 10 adults started saving for retirement in their 20s, according to a recent report from Morning Consult. Half of adults between 18 and 34 are not saving for retirement at all.
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Who’s in charge of the big picture?

When life takes a left turn - and time and knowledge are in short supply - who’s in charge of your big picture? A case study in what it looks like to be a member of the Wambolt family.
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Women, Wealth & Wisdom: ReWIRE your retirement planning for one

Retirement planning today may look different for women than men, regardless of marital status.     By Cindy Alvarez – Senior Wealth Management Advisor Married women traditionally had been better off in retirement than single women, and two-earner households have fared best of all. But several trends demonstrate that the retirement prospects for married and single...
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