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Wambolt - Fly of the Month

Trout Smart Series: Brook Trout – Fly of the Month Club

The following content is part of our Fly of the Month Club. This article is written by Peter Stitcher from Ascent Fly Fishing. It was a beautiful day on the lake. The kids were splashing happily in the shallows while dad lazily cast a dry fly from the dock. Little did they know there was...
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Don’t Let F.A.N.G. Stocks Bite You

“Don’t confuse brains with a bull market” is a famous investing quote credited to Humphrey Neill, the ‘Father of Contrarian Analysis’. We currently find ourselves in a bull market that has been running for more than 8 ½ years, the second longest in the history of the S&P 500. Historically, conditions like this create a level...
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What is Your Benchmark?

The 4th quarter is when most investors start to look at their portfolios and gauge how they have done for the year. The issue that many face is what should they use as a benchmark to compare their performance? We often hear people using the data that is shared on the nightly news, newspapers or...
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What is Tax-Loss Harvesting?

“Don’t Let the Tax Tail Wag the Investment Dog” If you are like many investors you have a position or two in your portfolio that you thought had ‘unlimited potential’ but unfortunately have delivered results that are anything but that!  You have most likely pushed them out of your mind but you get a monthly...
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New Fiduciary Rules Impact 401(k) Plans

Over the last few months we have had numerous conversations with our clients regarding the Fiduciary Rule from the Department of Labor (DOL) that went into effect on June 9th.  This rule has certainly created controversy in the Financial Services industry but what cannot be debated is the core focus of this legislation…protecting the individual...
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Wambolt & Associates Team Participates the Colorado Avalanche Avs 5K

On Saturday, October 7th, Senior Wealth Management Advisor Cindy Alvarez and our Administrative Assistant Ashley Schultz participated in the 2nd Annual Avs 5K Walk, Run, Skate in Downtown Denver. It was a chilly morning full of inspiration, camaraderie, and fun, all centered around supporting the Dawg Nation Hockey Foundation. We, the Dawg Nation Hockey Foundation,...
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Trout Smart Series: Brown Trout – Fly of the Month Club

The following content is part of our Fly of the Month Club. This article is written by Peter Stitcher from Ascent Fly Fishing. What is fly fishing if not a childlike game of war? We maneuver and position, count off our successful campaigns in the notches scratched into the cork of our rod, and then...
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Do My Finances Need a Second Opinion?

As your wealth continues to grow so does the complexity and the time required to manage it appropriately. We often hear from high net worth individuals, questioning whether they or the team of financial professionals they have pieced together are truly capable of growing and protecting their wealth going forward. Your financial team should take...
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Equifax Breach Information – How Can I Keep My Identity Safe?

Dear Clients and Friends, With the recent Equifax data breach, we want to provide you with some information that will help you and your family protect your identity, data, and assets. We would first like to address how cyber-criminals use stolen data. When it is personal data such as social security numbers, dates of birth,...
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