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ePocket Tax Tables

Quick Links:   2019 Income and Payroll Tax Rates  2020 Income and Payroll Tax Rates  Corporate Tax Rate  Alternative Minimum Tax  Kiddie Tax on Unearned Income  Income Taxation of Social Security Benefits  Standard Deduction  Itemized Deductions  Deduction for Qualified Business Income  Capital Gains and Dividends  Deductions for Contributions to Public Charities  Individual Retirement Accounts  Dollar Limits for Qualified Retirement Plans  Required Minimum Distributions  Estate and Gift Taxes  2019 INCOME AND PAYROLL TAX RATES...
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Executive Compensation eGuide

Your Competitive Edge Build your business by attracting—and keeping—the best employees In this Guide Introduction  Why Attract, Retain, and Reward Your Top Performers?  Executive Compensation Strategies: Compare your Options  Control and Flexibility: Nonqualified Deferred Compensation (NQDC) Plans  Simplicity and Deductibility: Executive Bonus Arrangements  Affordability: Split-Dollar Arrangements  Conclusion 1. Introduction Your employees are a huge part of what makes your business successful. However, in today’s fluid employment environment, your competitors are also looking for top talent. Executive(1) compensation strategies that use life insurance allow you to put the proper arrangements in place that can help ensure that key players stay where they belong: with you.  1 “Executive” is defined as a 5% or more...
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HSAs: Bridging the Retirement Savings Gap

The rising cost of healthcare has led to an increased focus on the need for both short- and long-term savings to fund these expenses. Employers, benefit consultants, and financial advisors are seeking additional tools to help employees plan for the healthcare costs they will face throughout their lifetime, particularly during retirement years, when healthcare costs...
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White Paper – Women Investing

TAKING CONTROL OF YOUR FINANCIAL FUTURE THROUGH THE GENERATIONS Empowering Women: Taking Control of Your Financial Future Through the Generations INTRODUCTION The increase of women in the workplace and as heads of their households has created a paradigm shift from the days where men-controlled family financial affairs. Now more than ever, women are decision-makers in...
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Improve Liquidity Menu

A Menu of Options to Create More Liquidity  Let’s face it, life inevitably throws some curve balls our way from time to time. Sometimes it feels like they come in multiples. Building options into your financial plan for these sometimes-unforeseen curve balls can often be the difference between making decisions on our own terms versus doing...
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High Net Worth Life Full of Risks

Social media and the online news sites love to publish articles discussing Americans’ reluctance to plan for their retirement. These articles paint a gloomy picture of a future with too little money saved, the possibility of reduced Social Security benefits, and many people feeling they may never be able to retire. While this may be...
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Estate Planning with Insurance to Meet Goals

As you develop or update an estate plan, consider the following ways life insurance can help address your needs. Determining how to meet your loved ones’ needs and accomplish your financial goals are the primary tasks of an estate plan. In addition, with a well-constructed plan, you can prepare for predictable events, such as the...
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Loans for Small Business Owners through CARES Act

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act which was recently passed by Congress is intended to assist business owners with specific needs they have right now. Although the first $350 Billion for these programs has been drained, it appears congress is negotiating to contribute more to this lifeline for small businesses. We know...
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All in the Family Business – Succession Planning and Executor Selection

Creating a detailed succession plan is paramount for a smooth and profitable transition. When you’ve dedicated decades to building your company, it can be difficult to imagine your life without it— not to mention the future of the business with another family member as the lead. In reality, everyone will transition out of their family...
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