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2nd Annual Summer Jam – 2024

Hello Clients, Friends and Family! You’re invited, along with your loved ones, friends and neighbors to join us for a day of entertainment and delicious BBQ at The Conifer Ranch. RSVP Now! The IRS has recently extended relief for certain heirs regarding Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) from inherited IRAs. The penalties for missed RMDs from...
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Brianna Harris: Designing a Schematic for Service

It may seem counterintuitive for a trained interior designer to pursue a job in the wealth management arena. For Art Institute-educated Brianna Harris, this plan makes total sense, and the transition has been seamless.“I’ve always wanted to increase my knowledge of the financial world,” she says. “I have friends who’ve owned businesses and invested in...
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Will Michener: Helping Clients Cross the Finish Line

As a successful high school cross country runner, Will Michener learned the importance of discipline along the road to achieving a goal. It was not about instant gratification or winning the first race, but how his ongoing hard work paid off at the end of the season. This mindset has served Michener well in his three...
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Scott Kirkpatrick – Architect of Innovation

While Controller Scott Kirkpatrick is a Wambolt & Associates team member clients rarely see, his leadership of continuous process improvement enables wealth management advisors/planners, and traders to focus intently on delivering positive outcomes for clients. Scott is dedicated to enhancing the firm’s financial, administrative, and compliance arenas and ensuring operations run proficiently. With more than 20...
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Scott Brooks – Designing Gameplans for Success

A former starting lineman for the Colorado State University Rams, Scott Brooks values a winning game plan. Whether charting the financial plays for clients in the wealth management field or seeing the open routes to help his Wambolt & Associates teammates succeed, Scott optimizes opportunities to excel. As his Wealth Management Advisor role continues to...
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Helping Clients Avoid the Pitfalls of Emotional Investment Decisions

When investing your hard-earned money, it’s natural to have a certain level of anxiety about your decisions. Add to that the proliferation of financial pundits, the constant stream of dramatic digital media headlines known as “clickbait,” and the scare tactics used by the media to grab ratings, and it’s no wonder that investors can easily...
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Cindy Alvarez: An Astute Advisor & Loyal Ally

Cindy Alvarez starts each workday with purpose: to help clients access the wealth management resources they need and to support the next generation of the Wambolt & Associate’s team. In her ownership role, Cindy ensures cohesion among team members and clients, aligning priorities and goals and promoting innovative approaches to delivering sound results.“Clients may come...
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Brady Jones: A Team Player Who Has Your Back

As a sergeant in the U.S. Marine Corps Reserves, Brady Jones has learned the value of teamwork. As a wealth management planner at Wambolt & Associates, Brady appreciates being part of a collaborative team of specialists who go the extra mile for their clients. “If you’re a Wambolt client, you can leverage the experience of...
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Evan Coats – Optimizing Tax Solutions for Clients

Wambolt & Associates Tax Analyst Evan Coats finds true satisfaction in uncovering opportunities for clients to improve their tax situations. Whether working with small businesses, corporate entities or individuals, Evan has a keen ability to understand their tax picture and identify strategies specific to the client.  “My main focus is to understand the complexities of...
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