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Will the Economic War with Russia Cause a U.S. Recession?

Will the Economic War with Russia Cause a U.S. Recession? “In the 20th century, the United States endured two world wars and other traumatic and expensive military conflicts, the Depression, a dozen or so recessions and financial panics, oil shocks, a flu epidemic, and the resignation of a disgraced president. Yet the Dow rose from...
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3 Rules on Accountable Plans for Home Office Deductions

3 Rules on Accountable Plans for Home Office Deductions

How to implement tax-free benefits for employees working from home. During Covid-19, companies small and large were forced to adapt to remote work. Workers and businesses invested in home offices and equipment. Now, a growing number of companies are realizing that full remote or hybrid work weeks are here to stay as more employees do...
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Federal Reserve Policies Explained

Who’s Afraid of the Big, Bad Fed? Federal Reserve Policies Explained

“Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” ~Milton Friedman Inflation is at 7%, its highest level since 1982. The ability of Congress or the Biden Administration to curb inflation is limited, at best. Responsibility for addressing inflation will fall to the arm of the federal government primarily responsible for monetary policy, the Federal Reserve...
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Fact or Fiction? Investment Truths for 2022

“The stock investor is neither right nor wrong because others agreed or disagreed; the investor is right because the facts and analysis are right.” ~ Benjamin Graham Recent increases in wages, prices and inflation are receiving a lot of media coverage. What should you believe, and what is a lot of hot air? What should...
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5 Year-End Tax Savings Strategies

5 Year-End Tax Savings Strategies

Uncertainty has become a usual way of life these past couple of years. But, in the words of Benjamin Franklin, “Nothing is certain except death and taxes.” With that thought in mind, tax planning has become more critical in our ever-changing legislative environment. Proactive tax planning can save tax dollars and help to ease any...
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Pain vs. Gain: Taming your Emotions in Uncertain Markets

Pain vs. Gain: Taming your Emotions in Uncertain Markets

“Far more money has been lost by investors trying to anticipate corrections, than lost in the corrections themselves.” ~ Peter Lynch Many investors are concerned that the current uncertainties affecting the markets will cause a “market correction” and losses in their portfolios. Should you be moving into, or staying in, cash? The market uncertainties are...
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Pain vs. Gain: Taming your Emotions in Uncertain Markets

How Can Sector Rotation Boost Return in Your Portfolio?

Sector investments perform differently during the various phases of the economic cycle. Successfully rotating – or re-allocating – investments from one economic sector depends on a timely read of future macroeconomic conditions. “Buy cheap and sell dear.” Benjamin Graham You may have heard of the “reopening” or “recovery” play in the stock market earlier this...
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Which Investment Style Works Best with Inflation, Growth or Value?

Money flowed into growth-oriented technology investments in 2020. 2021 investing has a different look. Here’s a way to think about a rotation from growth to value investing when inflation heats up. In our last two articles, we described the recent worries about higher inflation, and the effects an increase in inflation has on stock and...
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Could Inflation Affect My Investments?

“The arithmetic makes it plain that inflation is a far more devastating tax than anything that has been enacted by our legislatures. The inflation tax has a fantastic ability to simply consume capital.” ~Warren Buffet How does inflation “consume” an investor’s capital and act as a type of “tax”? As inflation increases, the actual value...
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