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Coaches of winning teams understand that success is not only defined by a strong track record, but also by sustaining a culture that promotes collaboration and innovation. To become a champion in any field, teams need a leader who embraces the evolution of the game and creates a roster ready for the challenge. As coach...
When she wanted to pursue a career opportunity with a firm that offered a client-driven approach to wealth management, Janelle van Meel did what she does best – she researched the market and found a perfect match – Wambolt & Associates. After reading about the firm and learning that its advisors help clients design customized...
For Eleni Yeros, wealth management advising is anything but transactional. It’s all about relationships, education, problem solving and collaboration. “I love creating a financial blueprint that brings something fresh to a client’s eyes,” she said.Eleni has been inspired to help clients reach their financial goals since beginning her Wambolt & Associates career as an intern in...
Every good business, like every good baseball team, has an exceptional utility infielder who covers all the bases and is a go-to for the team. Meet Wambolt’s Director of Operations Regina Franz. Whether training the administrative and junior associates teams, counseling a client, or assisting a wealth management advisor, Regina is a reliable team player in the...
By Will Michener & Bob Newkirk “Know what you own, and know why you own it.”– Peter Lynch Markets have been unsettled for over a year. Inflation persists. Economic uncertainty remains. Federal budget deficits climb and may drive future tax increases. Stock and bond values have fallen simultaneously, a rarity. (See The 2022 Bear Market:...
By Cindy Alvarez & Cindy Lempke “Whether planning for retirement or trying to send their kids to college, financialplanning can be stressful. I want to help families articulate and meet their goals.”– Shaun Cavanagh For Shaun Cavanagh, wealth management advising is a perfect intersection of his interests: analyzing the markets and advocating for clients. Wambolt...
By Cindy Alvarez & Bob Newkirk “Every portfolio benefits from bonds; they provide a cushion when the stock market hitsa rough patch. But avoiding stocks completely could mean your investment won’t growany faster than the rate of inflation.”– Suze Orman In our first installment of this two-part series, we reviewed basic terminology and historical returns...
By Cindy Alvarez & Bob Newkirk Capital efficiently and frequently flows between bonds and stocks. It pays to keep an eye on yields offered by these markets. – Naved Abdali For many of the past 15 years, bonds provided returns both relatively low and relatively safe.A low inflation and low interest rate environment made stocks...
By Cindy Alvarez & Bob Newkirk “A 10% decline in the market is fairly common—it happens about once a year. Investors who realize this are less likely to sell in a panic, and more likely to remain invested, benefiting from the wealth building power of stocks.”– Christopher Davis For most investors, 2022 might seem like...
By Cindy Alvarez & Bob Newkirk “We aren’t addicted to oil, but our cars are.”– James Woolsey Roughly 99% of vehicles in the U.S. run on gasoline or diesel fuel. The price of oil used to produce gasoline and other energy products continues to have a significant effect on the U.S. economy, its corporations and...
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Greg Wambolt and the entire Wambolt team employ a multi-advisor approach to provide clients with a high level of tax, estate, and investment advisory services all under one roof.

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Monday – Thursday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM