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By Cindy Alvarez & Bob Newkirk “In Globalization 1.0, which began around 1492, the world went from size large to size medium.In Globalization 2.0, the era that introduced us to multinational companies, it went fromsize medium to size small. And then around 2000 came Globalization 3.0, in which the worldwent from being small to tiny.”–...
By Cindy Alvarez & Bob Newkirk A traditional “family” office provides comprehensive investment, tax, estate and other services to achieve long-term financial goals, including passing on wealth to future generations. Providing all these services is expensive, and to justify an office focused on a single family may require wealth possessed by very few. However, a...
By Cindy Alvarez & Bob Newkirk “There is no Ground Hog Day, when all the economists come out from the tunnel and declare the recession is over. They have a retroactive, seasonally-adjusted Ground Hog Day.”– Peter Lynch The recent debate about whether the economy is or is not already in a recession can be a...
By Cindy Alvarez & Bob Newkirk “The trend is your friend … until the end when it bends.”– Ed Seykota Day trading by individual investors grew substantially during the pandemic. People stayed at home, spent more time online, and, in some cases, had additional funds to spend. These effects encouraged day trading, as did the...
This article was written before stock indices moved into a bear market rather than a correction.However, the same principles presented continue to apply. “In investing, what is comfortable is rarely profitable.”– Robert Arnott The market declines this year are painful. However, these types of declines are surprisinglyfrequent. Understanding how to respond to market corrections is...
“If You Fail to Plan, You are Planning to Fail” – Benjamin Franklin No one ever plans to fail; it is never intentional. We do not launch initiatives with failure inmind. Instead, we seek success. When we start a business, make an investment, or take on anew venture – retirement, parenthood, or a cross-country move...
“The four most dangerous words in investing are: this time it’s different.”– Sir John Templeton Speculation about a potential recession has been prominent in recent financial reporting. The goodnews is that multiple elements of the U.S. economy are healthy and provide an economic tailwind forthe future. The bad news is that actions by the Federal...
Will the Economic War with Russia Cause a U.S. Recession? “In the 20th century, the United States endured two world wars and other traumatic and expensive military conflicts, the Depression, a dozen or so recessions and financial panics, oil shocks, a flu epidemic, and the resignation of a disgraced president. Yet the Dow rose from...
How to implement tax-free benefits for employees working from home. During Covid-19, companies small and large were forced to adapt to remote work. Workers and businesses invested in home offices and equipment. Now, a growing number of companies are realizing that full remote or hybrid work weeks are here to stay as more employees do...
“Inflation is always and everywhere a monetary phenomenon.” ~Milton Friedman Inflation is at 7%, its highest level since 1982. The ability of Congress or the Biden Administration to curb inflation is limited, at best. Responsibility for addressing inflation will fall to the arm of the federal government primarily responsible for monetary policy, the Federal Reserve...
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Greg Wambolt and the entire Wambolt team employ a multi-advisor approach to provide clients with a high level of tax, estate, and investment advisory services all under one roof.

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